Prayer: the Asian Community Shooting and Violence

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from helping me, from the words of my groaning?
O my God. I cry by day, but you do not answer: and by night, but find no rest.”

Psalm 22: 1 -2

We find ourselves in tears as we learn of  the death of eight persons from a mass shooting in Atlanta, Georgia.  Asian owned businesses were targeted. Of the eight killed, six were Asian women.  Over the past year violence and hate crimes against Asian people has increased 150%. Many of the victims are seniors who have been attacked, pushed and assaulted while walking on the street.

From the Transitional Synod Leader, Rev. Dr. SanDawna Ashley,

“Today we offer our prayers for the Asian American community across the country. We lament the continual violence and many forms of oppression linked to years of hate and Xenophobia. Particularly in light of Women’s History Month, we grieve this gender-based crime. Our faith compels us to weep with those who weep. Additionally, we are called to act in the face of injustice. At no time can violence be dismissed as a simple mistake or the result of a bad day. We live in a divided country torn by the pandemic of racism and inequality. We must begin to heal from systemic White supremacy that empowers individuals to believe that they have the right to place value on some lives as worthy of justice and privilege and deem others as expendable.

Let us be agents of healing by showing the power of the love of Christ Jesus. A love that is so strong the walls that separate people are torn down. True love in action goes beyond mere words but seeks the places where advocacy helps shape new norms in human relationships.” ( to read  entire statement)

Let us pray:

God of justice, who sees into the hearts of all,

    your Light outshines the feeble flicker of the torches of hatred

    your goodness is greater than evil,

    your love compels us to break the silence, to speak the truth

    and to confess our sin.

In the face of this continuing hate towards those “who are different”,

May our ears be closed to the ugly diatribes of racists and the weak excuses of the fearful

May we have ears to hear the stories of our neighbors of color

       the respect to wait and listen as each story is told in its own voice

May we be bold to speak out about the hostile assaults towards the Asian Community

        And the be fearless to cry “no more” to violence against women.

 We pray for comfort for families that now grieve unbearable losses

  For individuals who are wounded and broken in body or spirit

May your Spirit rise with healing in its wings

    and bring strength and wholeness to each.


We pray for ourselves, that this hurt will not fade from our minds

    before our hearts are broken open with Your passion for justice, mercy and love.

 Show up among us in our cities, our neighbors, and faith communities.

A Stranger without privilege or place

A Justice beyond hope

A Peace that passes understanding–Emmanuel, God with us.

In the name of your broken and resurrected son Jesus, we pray.  Amen.

Adapted from a Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Prayer