Do These Fences Make Good Neighbors?
Come and Find out the Christian Perspective on Immigration.
Spring Gathering
Presbyterian Women in
The Highlands Presbytery
APRIL 13, 2024
9:30 AM to 2 PM
Parish House-Morristown PC-65 South St, Morristown
(plenty of parking in the Parish House lot, and the building is accessible)
9:30 – Registration (rsvp #
10:00 – Introduction of Speaker(s)/program
12:00 – Lunch $5 (collected at door)
1:30-2 – Worship
The USAME is a trip PW takes evert two years with representatives from each Synod to learn and find Missions to support.
Our guest speaker is Marianne Montero, who went to Arizona and the border region to the U S A Mission Experience last Fall. She will tell the story of what they saw, experienced, and learned about this region of the country and the issues surrounding immigration. An additional speaker Rev Ellen Clark Clemot author of Discerning Welcome, is a lawyer assisting refugees in NJ with legal aid. She will attend and have her book available.
There will be lots of information on the PW Churchwide Gathering Aug 8-11,2024 (Target/Walmart gift cards appreciated for Bethel Hills Children’s Home), Justice and Peace resources, registration flyer Bible Study Workshop at Stony Point June 20-22, making blankets for the unhoused.