The Administration and Coordinating Team is tasked and commissioned for:
- Coordinating the work of the Presbytery
- Continuing to explore vision for the Presbytery’s journey
- Serving as the interpreter for the ministry and mission of the Presbytery
- Organizing Presbytery meetings (planning, content and worship)
- Telling our story and providing resources in Stewardship for congregations
- Preparing the annual budget
- Encouraging the generosity of congregations
- Nominating the nominating committee
- Overseeing matters of personnel in relation to paid and volunteer staff
- Provides over site of all continuing mission partnerships
- Relating to all other councils of the church
- Acting on behalf of the Presbytery when it is not practical or expedient for the Presbytery to meet
The Administration and Coordinating Team Work Team:
- Executive Team
- Finance and Budget Team
- Personnel Team
- Presbytery Worship
- Funds Development Team
- Discernment Team