Leadership Opportunities in the Presbytery of the Highlands
We are moving out of the pandemic season and are moving toward the new season of the Presbytery of the Highlands and our life together as communities of faith.
One thing that has emerged is that our pastors and congregations need guidance, resourcing, and support on next steps. One way we, as a community, can provide assistance and engage with each other is through our teams and committees.
The Nominating Committee has begun their work of identifying Elder, pastors and others who are interested in serving on teams and committees beginning in January 2024
As a new presbytery you may not be aware of the different opportunities for service for the presbytery and its member faith communities.
Leadership Opportunities describes the different teams, committees and groups in the presbytery that provide resources and structure for our presbytery.
Review Leadership Opportunities and let us know where you would like to serve. Share it with others in your church. Send your info to office@highlandspresbyterynj.org or use the form below.
The Nominating Committee exists to match people with gifts for ministry to serve within the committees and entities of the presbytery. This means recruiting ruling elders, teaching elders and members to share their gifts for ministry with the wider faith community beyond their own congregation, according to the needs and design of the presbytery.
To offer your gifts to the building up of the ministry of The Highlands Presbytery, please contact the presbytery office or complete the form below: