What’s Next for the NJ Presbyteries Transition?

Here are some things that are happening next.

  • This weekend the Stated Clerk and the President of the Corporation of the Newton Presbytery will sign legal documents. These documents are part of the information that will be presented to the General Assembly Administrative Commission on Mid Councils on Monday, March 1.
  • We will be announcing the new name of the presbytery this weekend.
  • Monday, March 1, The GA AC on Mid Councils will meet and act on the overture from the Synod of the Northeast to realign the boundaries of the presbyteries of New Jersey. This will only be the ecclesiastical realignment. The corporation changes come of the next several months.
  • Starting next week, we will begin a new journey as a new community of congregations.

What can we be expecting to happen after March 1?

  • The Synod Administrative Commission on New Jersey Presbytery Missional Communities will call to order the first presbytery meeting on March 16 at 7 pm via ZOOM. More information will come about that meeting soon.
  • At that meeting we will act on recommendations from the “Technical Team” on a temporary structure and Manual of Operations and on other enabling actions. More will be coming out soon.
  • SanDawna Ashley, the Transitional Synod Executive, will preach at our first worship service on March 16.
  • Committees and Teams are already meeting to continue the work of the Presbytery and to plan for our next steps in discovering where God is calling us in mission and ministry together.

Over the next few weeks we will be publishing additional information and answering your questions.  Stay tuned.