Prayer for Veterans Day
It was veterans Day when I wrote this prayer, but it can a prayer that we can pray on a regular basis.
On Veterans Day, social media was filled with pictures of our parents, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, aunts and uncles, friends and family who are serving or have served in the military. On my Facebook page I included a picture of my grandfather who served in the Navy during WWII.
We all have family and friends who have sacrificed so much to serve this country. On Veterans Day we remember them. Let us remember them every day. Veterans have some of the highest rates of divorce, suicide and homelessness in the country. They have sacrificed so much. Let our prayer be more than just words. Let our prayer be an opening on ways we can offer hope and ministry to those who need to hear or be reassured of God’s good news.
Let us pray:
Gracious God, we remember those who whom self was and is secondary to the support of the common good of our communities and people. So many gave their life or a part of their lives so others may live in freedom and safety.
Holy and Loving God, we give you thanks for the veterans among us, those living and the saints who have gone before. Thank you for their service and sacrifice. We pray for actively serving members of the uniformed services and ask your protection over them and their families. Comfort those who mourn. Help us to find ways to bind up the wounds, both visible and invisible, of veterans and their families.
Guide us, Lord, as we seek to love our neighbors who are veterans and render them honor. Heal our brokenness and bring us together as your people. And lead us, God, to work together toward the pursuit of your promised reign when nation shall not lift sword against nation, and neither shall we learn war anymore. Amen.
Prayer Adapted from the Book of Common Worship and Prayer for Veterans Day – Presbyterian Mission Agency.